Posted in Show Notes

Dr. David Horne is a tenured full professor of Critical Thinking and African History, and is the former chair of the Pan African Studies Department at Cal State University Northridge. He also teaches graduate public policy and introductory political analysis, and is the graduate advisor for the department. He is the original Executive Director of the California African American Political Institute at CSU Northridge and the former Executive Director of the revised California African American Political and Economic Institute at California State University, Dominguez Hills. Currently, he is the Director of the Pan African Public Policy Institute housed in the department of Pan African Studies at Cal State Northridge, and is the Co-Founder and political consultant to the newly formed “Council of Black Political Organizations”  (COBPO).


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  1. I applaude Waren Buffett, and Bill Gates and who ever joins them in this effort to help. Everybody is blaming the President Obama for the job situation like Tavis Smiley, Cornell West and others, but what most people forget or are ignorant to the fact is most Corporations are ran by highly Conservative CEO’s and are mostly Republicans. Not only do they resent the fact of giving fair wages, but they do not want to suport anything that will shorten their profit margin. That means giving as few benifits to the employees as posiible, like Health Care, Pensions, Liveable Wages and in some cases Sick Time. President Obama by himself cannot create jobs, only the Corporations. Professor Horn unless there is a mass boycott, or uprising or mass prostest nothing will be done and there will be wide spread voter aphathy in the next election and President Obama will not be reelected. Everybody dosen’t listen to Front Page or read Our Weekly L. A. in this country and most aren’t educated on the Political process otherwise the Republicans would of never gain control of the House of Repersenitives. David Check out 60 minutes segment on 08/14/11 if you haven’t seen it yet. I think 60 minutes is a program the we shiould all pay attention too, it puts out a lot of information out there that you will not see on the news or Daily Paper.