$1-miliardi Village at USC approvato dal L.A. Pannello consiglio

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Ottobre 10, 2012 | 5:14 pm

A $1-billion project at USC that would bring thousands of new student beds, a multi-use retail complex and needed academic facilities to its south Los Angeles campus, won approval from a key city committee Wednesday.

On a 2-0 voto, Los Angeles City Councilmen Ed Reyes and Mitch Englander, sitting as the Planning and Land Use Management Committee, approved documents outlining how Village at USC would be built on 200 acres just north of the main campus. Councilman Jose Huizar, the third member of the committee, was absent.

Il massive project, expected to generate 12,000 Offerte di lavoro, goes next to the full City Council for approval.

The vote came after the university agreed to pay $20 million in “community benefits” that will be used to maintain affordable housing in the surrounding area, I funzionari hanno detto. USC initially earmarked $2 milioni di euro per le abitazioni, ma ha accettato di la cifra più alta nelle ultime settimane, dopo intensi negoziati che comprendeva rappresentanti del Consiglio della zona, Jan Perry e Bernard C. Parchi, e il sindaco Antonio Villaraigosa.

USC inoltre concordato di un 30% disposizione assunzioni locali, dando priorità ai residenti che vivono nel raggio di dieci chilometri da campus, e di creare una clinica legale presso la sua Scuola Gould della legge per aiutare i residenti locali controversie inquilino padrone di casa.

L'università aveva già deciso di costruire una nuova stazione della città del fuoco di Los Angeles, per un costo stimato di $16 milioni di euro, in collaborazione con la riqualificazione. I dettagli del progetto stazione dei pompieri sono stati elaborati separatamente.

Voto di mercoledì ha rappresentato un compromesso.

Gli attivisti contro la povertà hanno voluto USC pagare fino a $30 milioni di euro per compensare l'effetto potenziale sulla alloggi a prezzi accessibili. Activists have charged that redevelopment of this scope would gentrify the area, bringing in more affluent residents and students, and pushing out the poor who are unable to pay higher rents.

USC disputed that but agreed to the $20-million payout after meeting with city officials.

“It’s a win for the community, it’s a win for the city, and it’s a win for the university,” said Thomas Sayles, senior vice president of university relations. “No one is completely happy but honestly it’s time to move forward.”

University Village, an aging shopping center, will be torn down to make way for the new complex. Tenants at the center voiced their worries that they would be left out in the cold if the university declined to re-up their leases.

Circa 5 million square feet of academic, commercial and housing space will be constructed on 200 acres owned by the university. The parcels are bounded by 30th Street to the north, Jefferson Boulevard to the northeast, Exposition Boulevard to the south, Hoover and Flower streets to the east, and Vermont Avenue to the west.

Fonte: LA. Times


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