Dr. Bill Releford, un laureato della Scuola Tempio di Podiatric Medicine di Philadelphia, ha iniziato la sua pratica in 1990 e ha stabilito l'Istituto piede diabetico, una struttura dedicata esclusivamente alla riduzione delle amputazioni legate al diabete in popolazioni ad alto rischio. Dr. Releford è riconosciuto sia a livello nazionale che a livello internazionale come leader nel campo della diabetico salvataggio d'arto cura delle ferite. Dr. Releford’s limb salvage success and philosophy were formalized in the development of the Daniel Freeman Wound Care Center where platelet-derived growth factor therapy was used to facilitate healing of chronic wounds via angiogenesis. A multi-disciplinary approach to limb salvage was exercised where vascular surgeons, infectious disease specialist, chirurghi plastici, endocrinologist, and podiatrists would collaborate solely for the benefit of salvaging a foot at risk of amputation.
The Black Barbershop Health Outreach Program: Oltre 300 black-owned Barbershops throughout the country have participated in screening nearly 8000 African American men for diabetes and hypertension. As results of this effort, the month of May has been designated as “Black Barbershop Month” for the entire state of California. The program has screened men in the states of New York, Illinois, Louisiana, Georgia, Missouri and throughout the state of California. The BBHOP will screen nearly 20,000 men by the end of this year. In definitiva, 500,000 men will be screened by the end of 2012.
Sito: RelefordInstitute.com
Instagram: @dr.billreleford
Twitter: @breleford
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