Messa a fuoco africano, Inc. is a registered non-profit organization based in California that focuses on the growth and well being of Africans all around the world. Our focus is to promote growth and well being of Africans all around the world through knowledge and appreciation of one another as well as building a bridge of love and understanding with other people. Thank You to Betty Arnold and the Trail Blazers of African Focus joining us on the Front Page and sharing their Tanzanian experience!
Today’s Trailblazers:
1.Jacques Worsham
2.Lorie James Robinson
3. Patrice Simmons
4.Gena Boone
5.Greg Dulan
6. Sharon Moore
7. Pauletta Franklin
8. Verneen Mincey
9. Mary Ellen Cobb
10. Omar Zanders
11. Betty Arnold
Sito: Messa a fuoco africano
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