APRYL模拟人生: 只是有益健康

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Apryl and Dominique

Apryl Sims is the General Manager of Simply Wholesome and has been there since 2005. She is a native of Los Angeles and attended Manchester Ave Elementary school. She graduated from Howard University with a degree in Marketing.

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目前有 1 如何 关于 APRYL模拟人生: 只是有益健康. 也许你想 新增 一你自己?

  1. Greetings and Salutations Dominique and Apryl

    How the heaven are y’all? I’ve been going to Simply Whoesome for I’ve 20 年. My wife and I had our wedding reception there (It will be 20 years August 21). Simply Wholesome has also been hosting our Black Panther Breakfast for several years. Former BPP members and current activist gather on the 2nd Sunday to share information, activities and to continue the struggle.
    Big Thanks to both of you for all that you do!

    Michael D. McCarty
    Storyteller and former member of the Illinois Chapter of the BPP