Ayo Handy-Kendi, aka as “Mama Ayo” reknown as “The Breath Sekou” is a master teacher with over 40+ years experience in Breath focus and is one of a few African Americans certified in transformative breathwork. She is the founder of Optimum Life Breathology™, Transcendence Breathwork™, the Author of the newly released, "Applied Breathology", along with 4 other books on breathing and culture with accompanying DVD’S and CD’s. . Además, she is the founder of Black Love Day, Febrero 13ª, co-founder of International Breath Day, Noviembre 22nd, es el CEO of PositivEnergyWorks, LLC and founder/director, The African American Holiday Association. Sekou Ayo has many certifications in breath and wholistic healing and is creating a world-wide “Breath Movement” having breathed with billions on radio, t.v., in print, on stage and in trainings, notably appearing on the Steve Harvey Morning Show and Roland Martin’s News Hour.
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