Bakari Sellers author of My Vanishing Country which just made the New York Times Bestselling list. He made history in 2006 quando, at just 22 anni, he defeated a 26-year incumbent State Representative to become the youngest member of the South Carolina state legislature and the youngest African American elected official in the nation. He is currently a Political Commentator at CNN. Bakari most recently covered the George Floyd funeral for the television station.
My Vanishing Country is his poetic personal history. Nel libro, Sellers awakens us to see the crisis affecting the other “Forgotten Men & Donne,” who the media seldom acknowledge. For Sellers, these are his family members, neighbors, and friends. He humanizes the struggles that shape their lives: to gain access to healthcare as rural hospitals disappear; to make ends meet as the factories they have relied on shutting down and move overseas; to hold on to precious traditions as their towns erode; to forge a path forward without succumbing to despair.
Twitter: @Bakari_Sellers
Instagram: @BakariSellers
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