Bro. Myro Perry and Abeid Uzoma

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Bro. Myro Perry is the linguist for Rev. Meri Kara of KRST Unity Center of African Spiritual Science, and has engaged in service through interpretation with the members of the KRST Unity Center for numerous years

Stand beid ( Électrique, Mécanique & Ingénieur en studio, Directeur de “Ka Media Production Group”, Audio / Vidéo directeur technique KRST UNITÉ CENTRALE de la science spirituelle AFRAKAN, Créateur, Directeur & Producteur de “Family Video Diaries” et “Front Page Video Zarr”. Abeid is a creative and artistic activist and has been involved in music & production vidéo pour le passé 20 ans. He worked directly with Stevie Wonder, the Whispers and many other renowned and popular artists. Il a créé et produit beaucoup de son audio & video projects and uses his craft in ways that benefit and contribute to the well being of the community.


Unity Center of African Spiritual Science
80th Anniversary Celebration & Concert
Sam. Sept 30, 2017 2PM-10PM
7825 S. Western Ave. (corner of 78th and Western)

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