Compton Sindaco Aja Brown fatto la storia come il più giovane sindaco eletto della City all'età di 31. A national trailblazer, Mayor Brown’s ‘New Vision for Compton’ is a revitalization strategy centered on 12 key principles that focus on family values, quality of life, economic development and infrastructural growth. Mayor Brown is focused on improving outcomes through policy reform, innovation and strategic partnerships. She proudly serves the Citizens of Compton by developing and implementing public policies that facilitate guided growth through the protection of community assets.
Since her June 2013 induction, Mayor Brown has launched several community initiatives and policy changes aimed at reducing crime by tackling tough issues such as gang intervention, and domestic human trafficking head on. Gli sforzi del Sindaco per fortificare la città sono state fondamentali per eliminare affitti orarie motel e condannando le imprese che incubare traffico di esseri umani, e altre attività illecite. Sindaco Brown lavora attivamente per ridurre il tasso di disoccupazione a Compton attraverso l'attuazione di programmi di formazione professionale specifici del settore, mentre attirare con successo nuove imprese e posti di lavoro al Comune. Il Sindaco ha eseguito politica che migliora l'accesso a Compton.
L'occupazione della città attraverso l'accordo assumente Sorgente, adottata nell'ottobre 2013, che mandati 35 cento assunzioni locali per città assistito e finanziato progetti che spesso producono miglioramento quartiere. Il sindaco Brown ha ricevuto il prestigioso University of Southern California 2014 Giovani Alumni Merit Award, partecipato come la 2013 Pat Brown Institute Distinguished Lecturer and is the recipient of the Los Angeles Young Democrats Laurel Award. Mayor Brown has also recently been appointed to the Delta Stewardship Council which was created in legislation to achieve the state mandated coequal goals for the Delta.
Mayor Brown has received a lauded number of honors, including the National Action Network Martin Luther King Award, for her youth, women’s rights, and socio-economic equality work in advocacy. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Policy, Urban Planning and Development, along with a Master’s degree in Urban Planning with a concentration in Economic Development from the University of Southern California. She is married to her best friend of 14 anni, Van Brown.
CONTATTO sindaco Brown
Telefono: (310) 605-5597
Agosto 24, 2015 a 9:24 Allo
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