Congresso emerito Diane Watson,en

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As a former educator, state legislator, and U.S ambassador, Diane Watson entered the U.S. House of Representatives as an unusually experienced freshman. Throughout her 35 years in public office, Watson established a reputation as a diligent and passionate legislator concerned with improving the plight of women and children—especially those living in poverty. Her diverse legislative interests included welfare reform, civil rights, foreign aid for African nations facing the HIV/AIDS crisis, and improved health care and education in the United StatesLEGGI TUTTO

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  1. Did i understood Mrs Watson to take ownership in imprisonment of our black people and welfare reform along with other negative decisions the Clinton’s have made toward us. I could remember 40or30 years ago she came on front page pleading for our support. Black people trusted you and your leadership. Now you are 30 years later you are sounding like an enemy.