Dangerously Low on Water, Cape Town Now Faces ‘Day Zero’

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Cape Town 2018

CAPE TOWN — It sounds like a Hollywood blockbuster. “Day Zero” is coming to Cape Town this April. Tutti, be warned.

Il governo cautions that the Day Zero threat will surpass anything a major city has faced since World War II or the Sept. 11 attacchi. Talks are underway with South Africa’s police because “normal policing will be entirely inadequate.” Residents, their nerves increasingly frayed, speak in whispers of impending chaos.

The reason for the alarm is simple: The city’s water supply is dangerously close to running dry.

If water levels keep falling, Cape Town will declare Day Zero in less than three months. Taps in homes and businesses will be turned off until the rains come. The city’s four million residents will have to line up forLEGGI TUTTO

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