Debra Akello is the CEO of Akello Consulting an international consulting firm focused on bringing economical and developmental sustainability to global small to large businesses as well as non-profit organizations in need of funding and assistance. Ms. Akello is the current Executive Director of the Mama Sarah Obama Foundation, a 501©3 registered in both the USA and Kenya dedicated to preserving the legacy of Sarah Obama through early child development programs, medical center facilities, health education, clean water initiatives, economic policy and development and the restoration of the Senator Barack Obama primary and secondary schools, in Kogelo, Kenia. Ms. Akello helped form Helping Hands International Foundation, an organization providing medical aid to countries abroad in addition to the less privileged domestically. She was instrumental in taking a team of Doctors and Nurses to Haiti after the earthquake as her way of giving back to an overlooked society. Ms. Akello’s unique vocational variety has provided her with an in depth view into the intersecting parameters of business development and the emerging technologies both in Health Care and Real Estate fields.
15821 Ventura Blvd. Suite 525, Encino, CA. 91436
Telefono: (310) 500-6155 Fax: (310) 499-7094
Febbraio 17, 2016 a 12:00 pm
I saw the don’t vote campaign and the ad is not meant to ofefnd, its saying if everything is ok then why is the noose and mentioning lynching like Bill O’Riley did to Michelle Obama, still relevant and gas prices the way it is to the point we will make our own soldiers, U.S. citizens die in a war over oil. The president is the commander in chief and makes many important decisions like Chanel said. Its a reason why when Clinton was in office we were better than when Bush was in office, hint the president and vice president.