Debra Mars, Believing that all pain and suffering needs to have an expiration date, D.L. Mars reigns as “Queen of Encouragement”. By sharing her own personal triumphs in a captivating and transparent manner, she is committed to helping all women embrace their Royal DNA (1 Peter 2:9) no matter the circumstances they face. She is equally concerned about their self care, environmental safety, emotional stability and financial security.
Twitter: @mars_debra
Dr. Un Lekeisha. Sumner, PhD, ABPP est psychologue clinicienne (Licence CA: CHIENS 22662) avec la certification conseil en psychologie clinique de la santé. She graduated from the Illinois Institute of Technology (APA-Accredited) where she studied Clinical Psychology. She completed her clinical internship and NIMH-funded psychobiology postdoctoral fellowship at UCLA where she also served on the academic faculty. She is currently the Director of Health Psychology Department for Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences at Cedar-Siani
Twitter: @LekeishaSumner
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