黄金ř. Bellard, CMT

张贴在 精选, 展会须知

Dhahabu is an avid reader and dedicated to furthering his education as a life long study of the whole being approach through manual medicine (按摩疗法触摸). 他一直是个老师, 大自然; before formally becoming a Massage Therapy Instructor, 他积极作用间歇光, 以身作则, 结合良好的卫生和健康走进他的生活.

He believes in sharing Information with his clients to advance their holistic health and total wellbeing. Since the beginning of time, a skilled nurturing touch has allowed people to find the innate power to transform their lives, through the body’s natural restorative healing mechanism experienced through Massage Touch Therapy & 整体健康.

Dhahabu’s philosophy on health care and wellbeing has always been prevention, 他的座右铭; “它更容易保持健康然后获取健康”. If we identify and manage our stress (功能障碍) 它成为一种疾病​​之前,我们将生活, 快乐, 健康, 和更长的生命.

He has worked in many spas and chiropractic offices in the Los Angeles county area and is objectively knowledgeable about the benefits; a team approach he has towards the client’s wellbeing. 从研究 (TRI Miami University School of Medicine) 已经证明,按摩疗法支撑和辅助身体的结余总额, 通过抑制应激激素 (皮质醇). Time along with research has also shown that when homeostasis is disturbed or abnormal (强调) 的时间,而不是管理的频繁期, 疾病和疾病会导致.

His passion is to educate people about the factual positive balancing effects of massage therapy for stress management and holistic well being. And the aspects of the importance of it to the medical community, that it needs to be incorporated into health care because its interchangeable and just as, 否则, 作为多, 有效, diet and exercise for our total health and wellbeing.

Dhahabu has provided services for many major events, 洛杉矶 & 长滩马拉松, United States Tennis Association(USTA), 露华浓润城, 爱德的精神务虚会, 非洲市场​​Place健身馆, Annual KJLH Women Health Forum and RAM to name a few. 金, 伴随着他的学生, volunteers regularly at health fairs and community events where he lectures on the importance of stress management, along with exposing individuals to stress management services by providing free chair massages.

目前, Dhahabu is an Instructor at Intercoast Colleges leading the Massage Therapy department since 2006. Dhahabu工程Lifewell研究所, 一个健康水疗中心在卡尔弗城, and he oversees the wellness ministry at the City Of Refuge under the Honorable Bishop Noël Jones where he is one of 18,000 成员。. Dhahabu has written several newspaper and magazine articles including LA Weekly and Rap Pages magazines and is currently authoring a book on Massage Touch Therapy.



黄金ř. Bellard, CMT

平衡 4 健康, 有限责任公司



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