Dr. David Horne

Posted in Show Notes

DR. DAVID HORNE, Political Coordinator & Advisor of the Council of Black Political Organizations and Professor of African Studies at Cal State Northridge.

Website: www.cobpo.org or  Ph# 310-967-5871 or   Email: drhorne@cobpo.org

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  1. A job well done, KJLH, Dr. David Horne and Dr. Maulana Karenga, on the October 6th 2012 Town Hall Meeting, at the Nat Holden Theater. This meeting/debate covered issues pertaining to President Obama, and our local, state, national, and global government. Both scholars, activist informed the audience that we need to educate our selves on public policies and how the branches of government works, and to be active participants. Yes we need to hold all presidents accountable, as well as our local politicians. We have to stand up and be heard. Dr. Horne has put together a booklet detailing the many accomplishments our president has put into action for the American People, and Black People entitled, ” President Barack Obama And The African American Community: An early Assessment Of Progress And Benefit During His Administration.” American People, you want Congress to finally listen to our president, the lend a hand by re-electing President Barack Obama.

  2. The Debate on Saturday Oct 6, 2012 was very good and informative – It was good to hear 2 Black Scholars talk openly with the community about the needs and concerns of Black People. thank you very much