博士. 大卫霍讷

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Dr David Horne

博士. David Horne is a recently retired tenured full professor of Critical Thinking and African History and is the former chair of the Pan African Studies Department at Cal State University Northridge. 博士. Horne during his time at CSUN has instructed graduate public policy and introductory political analysis and was the graduate advisor for the department. 他是加州非裔美国政治学会在加州州立大学北岭分校原执行董事及修订后的加州非裔美国人的政治与经济研究所在加州州立大学的前执行董事, 多明格斯山. 目前, instructs political science at Los Angeles Southwest College.

网站: Reparations United Front
电邮: horndl@lasc.edu



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