博士. 夏娃艾伦

张贴在 精选, 展会须知

博士. eve

After twenty years in the pharmaceutical industry, her amazing passion for natural modalities of living led her to leave the corporate arena for the field of energy medicine, where she mastered ancient and modern systems, ultimately developing powerful techniques of her own. 博士. Eve’s energy healing and life coaching both transform and educate. Her natural healing expertise has made her a popular keynote speaker and consultant to universities, corporations and consumer groups.

Her media appearances include national radio, Good Morning LA, KCAL Channel 9 News and the CBS News Early Show. 博士. Eve also contributes to regional and national magazines such as Self, Natural Health, Save The Date, Healthy Living and Essence Magazine.
她住在洛杉矶, 美国加州.

网站: www.DoctorEve.com
注册Facebook!: www.facebook.com/DřEveAllen
叽叽喳喳: www.twitter.com/DoctorEve



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