Dr. Gerald Horne

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Autore prolifico, Horne has published on W. E. B. Du Bois and has written books on a wide range of neglected but by no means marginal or minor episodes of world history. He writes about topics he perceives as misrepresented struggles for justice, in particolare, communist struggles and struggles against imperialism, colonialismo, fascism, racism and white supremacy. Individuals whose lives his work has highlighted in their historical contexts have included the blacklisted Hollywood screenwriter John Howard Lawson, Ferdinand Smith (a Jamaican-born communist, marinaio, leader sindacale, and co-founder of the National Maritime Union), the perplexing Lawrence Dennis, un razzista afro-americano fascista e che passava per il bianco, e la femminista, anti-colonialista, internationalist intellectual Shirley Graham Du Bois whose own career was overshadowed by that of her famous husband.

Mentre molti dei libri di Horne utilizzare un celebre, individuo intrigante o politicamente impegnato come un prisma per ispezionare le forze storiche del loro tempo, Horne has also produced broad canvas chronicles of infrequently examined periods and aspects of the history of white supremacy and imperialism such as the post-civil war involvement of the US ruling class—newly dispossessed of human chattels—with slavery in Brazil, che non era legalmente abolita fino al 1888, o i tentativi di imperialisti giapponesi a metà del 20 ° secolo appaiono come i leader di una guerra globale contro la supremazia bianca, thus allies and instruments ofliberationfor people of color oppressed byAnglo-American Empire”.

Sito: Dr. Gerald Horne

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