博士. 杰拉尔德·霍恩 是美国黑人历史学家, 笔者, 和共产党谁目前持有的约翰·Ĵ. 与历史和非裔美国人研究在休斯敦大学的丽贝卡·穆尔斯主席. He received his Ph.D. from Columbia University and a J.D. 从加州大学, 伯克利. 他是一个经常为政治事务杂志.
一位多产的作家, Horne has published on W. é. 乙. Dubois and has written books on a wide range of neglected but by no means marginal or minor episodes of world history. He specializes in illuminating previously obscure or misrepresented struggles of humanity for social justice, 特别是, communist struggles and struggles against imperialism, 殖民主义, fascism, and racism. Individuals whose lives his work has highlighted in their historical contexts have included the blacklisted Hollywood screenwriter John Howard Lawson, 费迪南德·史密斯(牙买加出生的共产主义, 水手, 劳工领袖), the perplexing Lawrence Dennis, 谁通过白色的非洲裔法西斯和种族主义, 而女权主义, 反殖民主义, internationalist intellectual Shirley Graham DuBois whose own career was overshadowed by that of her famous husband.
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