Dr. Matthew & Sig.ra. Roberta Jenkins.

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Durante 30 years of public speaking, people encouraged Matthew Jenkins to write a book and share his steps to success. In 2013, Jenkins begins to chronicle hisGame Planfor those who influence youthand shape the future. Of his major accomplishments, serving as Interim President of Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama, his Alma Mater, has been the most rewarding. Jenkins is a role model who pushes boundaries beyond the norm with purpose, passion, and sensitivity.

Throughout the past thirty years, Sig.ra. Jenkins has been a part of the movement of Blacks into the mainstream. As a wife, mother, business owner and community activist, Sig.ra. Jenkins’s life has been about giving back. The Jenkins Foundation through the past decades has been the source for collegiate scholarships for numerous students to embark on their journey to their respective universities.

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