梅丽娜阿卜杜拉是泛非洲研究的加利福尼亚州立大学教授兼系主任, Los Angeles and immediate past campus president and current Council for Affirmative Action Chair for the California Faculty Association (the faculty union). 博士. Abdullah earned her Ph.D. 来自南加州大学政治学与她的BA大学. from Howard University in African-American Studies. She was appointed to the Los Angeles County Human Relations Commission in 2014 and is a recognized expert on race relations. Abdullah is the author of numerous articles and book chapters, with subjects ranging from political coalition building to womanist mothering…阅读更多 http://web.calstatela.edu/academic/pas/Abdullah.php
提出的意见 博士. 梅丽娜·阿卜杜拉 目前已经结束.