Dr. Nathan F. Rabb Jr. is a Traditional Naturopath, and his practice is dedicated to the physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing of his patients and to the field of holistic health.
Dr. Rabb studied body chemistry, human nutrition, lymphology, iridology, vascular physiology, Ddet and weight Control, herbology, magnet therapy, natural healing and Symmetry at natural health oriented institutions and California universities. He is a Certified Clinical Iridologist, a Registered Lymphologist, a Certified DPA Technician, and holds doctoral degrees in Naturopathy, Holistic Nutrition and Holistic Theology.
Dr. Rabb can be reached at Holistic Health Service, where high quality herbal combinations are manufactured specific to patients needs. He also provides holistic health education and information through weekly workshops at Holistic Health Service located at 429 W. Manchester Boulevard in Inglewood, CA 90301.
His phone number is (310) 419-4372 and he can reached via,
Email at drnrabb@aol.com. Online at www.drnathanrabb.com or www.herbdoctoronline.com.
January 25, 2012 at 9:54 pm
It would be great if Dr. Rabb could write a book on Black Holistic Health. He could target diseases that afflict black people more often like: sickle cell disease (pain & blood), diabetes, heart disease, ect.
Instead of a pill, our community needs holistic answers..Thanks