Evento: Carson Hold Rally di Giustizia per Trayvon Martin e Kendrec McDade

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Martedì, Aprile 3, 2012
Rally di Giustizia per Trayvon Martin
Collezioni donazione per aiutare Bury Kendrec McDade

Carson City Hall, 701 Est Carson Street, Carson, CA

Carson, Calif. - Carson City Councilmember Mike Gipson porterà una chiamata raduno di giustizia per Trayvon Martin Martedì, Aprile 3 a 5 pm. a City Hall. Partecipanti al Rally: California State Assemblymember Isadore Sala III, Ministro Tony Muhammad e membri della Nation of Islam, clero locali, studenti, e residenti. Oltre 200 i partecipanti sono tenuti a partecipare alla manifestazione di fronte al municipio chiedendo l'arresto di George Zimmerman, il capitano ronda di quartiere che ha sparato e ucciso 17-year-old Trayvon Martin a Sanford, Florida. Inoltre, il Councilmember aiuterà raccogliere donazioni per aiutare seppellire 19-year-old Kendrec McDade, che è stato ucciso in Pasadena marzo 24 dopo una falsa 911 rapporto. La famiglia di McDade ha chiesto per le donazioni per contribuire a coprire l'imprevisto $10,000 spese di seppellire il loro figlio. Carson City Hall si trova a 701 Est Carson Street.

“My 14-year-old son asked me what I was doing to help Trayvon Martin’s family," explained Councilmember Mike Gipson. “I tried to explain to my son that I was in California and that the Martin’s were in Florida and he told me that never stopped me before. My son is right.”

Gipson, who lost his 3-year-old son in 1987 in a hit-and-run accident says that he knows the pain of losing a child.

“The driver who killed my son was never caught. I am standing in solidarity with the Martin’s and the rest of America, not as an elected official, but as the father of two sons and as a grandfather.”

In addition to calling for justice for Trayvon Martin, rally participants will also be calling for the immediate repeal of Florida’s Stand Your Ground law.


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