Famiglia, Unità & Coscienza Collettiva

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Front Page Family Reunion
by dominique DiPrima

Per quasi Negli ultimi sette anni sono stato l'ospite di Front Page su 102.3 KJLH-FM di Los Angeles, un iconico stazione radio nera di proprietà di Stevie Wonder. Front Page è di per sé uno spettacolo leggendario, un'istituzione con 22 anni di storia, storia che comprende la prima intervista da chiunque nel mondo con Nelson Mandela al suo rilascio dalla prigione. Lo spettacolo è trasmesso da più di dieci nazioni e caratterizzato interviste con la gente raramente sentito altrove.

Quando ho ricevuto l'incarico è stata un'occasione che non potevo lasciarmi sfuggire. Ma era anche pieno di insidie ​​e sfide. Rilevare una manifestazione consolidata e colmare le grandi panni di un host amato (Carl Nelson) con un seguito ferocemente leale è una proposta rischiosa per ogni emittente. “Manning” il microfono come un'ancora di piombo sulle onde radio del mattino è ancora qualcosa raramente visto per una donna radio. But with the help of a dedicated and supportive group of volunteers (Charlene Muhammad, Isis, Layone Hines, Di Talib, Avi Bernard, Jasmyne Cannick, Stephen, Angela Hoffman, Brenda Caddell, Chavonne Taylor, Dominique Dright) I took on the challenge. And with the voices and strength of my many honorary co-hosts (Muhammad Nasardeen, Erich Nall AKA Coach “E,” Tony Muhammad, Ricky Harris, Pastor Lewis Logan, Greg Akili, Pastor Billy Ingram, e più) we set a course for the next generation of this revered institution.

Last week we celebrated twenty two years of Front Page. Twenty two years wherein the show was often the only progressive Black talk radio in the nation! We celebrated twenty two years of “radio freedom” on a venue that is now the only Black-owned radio station west of St. Louis! (Thank you Stevie Wonder!!) Carl Nelson, the show’s most enduring host, Rico Reid, the original host and many of the creators and legends came together for a week of celebration, collaboration and unity. It was a sublime embodiment of the energy we generate when we put our best interests, our collective good above all else. It was a powerful Black family reunion, and a testament to the what we can do when we choose unity, and celebrate ourselves!

We call ourselves The Front Page Family. And family can be dysfunctional. Family can be annoying, and hard. Family can overstay their welcome and let you down when you need them most. We are born into our family and we are stuck with them warts and all…But family is also the foundation of civilization! Family is the source of our strength. Nine generations back and infinitely forward our family is our only true legacy. As we break cycles of hate – for self and others…As we create new traditions of love, acceptance & support…As we reach back for the best of what is ancient and ancestral (SANKOFA)…We heal ourselves individually and collectively.

Thank you Front Page Family for choosing peace & progressi, for understanding that our institution offers information and communication that transcends any of us as individuals, for showing the world what unity looks like, warts and all! Thank you to all of the hosts & producers who have come before…And thank you to those still to come. Let’s continue to choose our own best interests, cultivate unity…And nurture the return of our collective consciousness! 'Til la prossima volta la radio di famiglia libero .... ONE LOVE!

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  1. Ero lì brevemente, Ho ottenuto il mio cibo e ascoltato un po 'e poi ho dovuto lasciare.

    Io adoro il cibo a Simply sano. Ci vado ogni volta che posso. Anche, il proprietario è stato davvero grande perché il proprietario ha dato fuori caffè gratis a tutti. Questo è stato davvero bello. E 'stata una bella folla, persone per lo più anziane, però, probabilmente nel loro 40s e 50s. Vorrei che ci fosse molto più giovani là nel loro 20s che si presentò, perché so che un giovane di ascoltatori più giovani, come me, che ascoltare la Frontpage. Credo che fossero a casa di ascolto dai loro letti. Oltre a, era troppo freddo fuori. L'amore lo spettacolo.

    Un'altra cosa, I’m glad that the owner of the Slauson Supermall has committed to contributing back to the community with some scholarships for youth and young adults in our community who want to go to college. I’m all for education and jobs, and increased economic empowerment for us.

    Black Power.

  2. Great seeing you and Carl and the Front Page Family at Simply Wholesome.
    I want to thank the Front Page for working to unite us over years.
    I was concerned and inspired by the swap meet owner’s 50 gift certificates. Concerned because the last time I went there, which was years ago, I didn’t see anybody Black business there. Lots of Black customers but no Black businesses. That means millions of dollars leaving our community and our country every week. I was inspired to offer a $50.00 rebate to the first 20 Front Page listeners that call 1-800 UNITE US to locate Black owned business. Il $ 50 rebate will given to the first 20 people that sends copies of receipts totaling $100. That’s 1,000 dollars in cash rebates!. Now if 10,000 Front page listeners spent a $100 with Black owned businesses this month that would be a million a dollars. 1-800 UNITE US stands ready to work with you to make this happen.
    Charles Brister
    1-800 UNITE US the Black 411.

  3. I think family is so important . i am 31 anni,
    old I am married with 2 kids .its rough on middle class blacks trying to raise a family,support from family is vital and should be promoted in the black the community.its hard enough trying to hold a job down as a black man especially in construction lol. My family is there for me when I have to drop the Two babies off at 5am in the morning .And they watch the babies for me and my wife who works also .And that helps big time because we don’t have to pay as much for a daycare. Family is so important and families need to stay together and if that happens I think that the black community will benefit.I have never Wrote on a blog before but i got hooked on the frontpage for the last 2 months and i am inspired to write on this blog now.lol hope I get the strength to call in one day and comment on a topic.

    • Hope you do too!!!!

  4. Holla at me dominique would love to here your point of view on some things or too . just start listening to your show for the past 2 months i am so hooked now love the front page

    • Welcome to the fam!!