作家, 教育家, 讲师, 顾问, commentator, and public official, Glenn Ellis Sr.’s career has been dedicated to helping others maintain good health. 但, 或许他是最有名的一个下到地球医生谁鼓励大家, “住最好的生活成为可能!“ When Ellis enrolled in the pre-med program at the University of Pennsylvania more than three decades ago, 那是在他毕生致力于确保他人的健康和幸福只是第一步. 今天, in addition to self-publishing Which Doctor?: 你需要知道的是健康, 一个信息, 易于阅读的整体健康手册, the Alabama native has earned a well-deserved reputation as an internationally respected health educator and complementary medicine consultant. After majoring in Health Systems Management at UPenn’s prestigious Ivy League undergraduate institution, 埃利斯继续他的研究在生物动力学的国际学院和古典顺势疗法的大西洋学院. 最近, he was named Executive Editor of BlackDoctor.org, 非裔美国人的权威健康网站.
历年, 埃利斯已经磨练医疗保健的独特的品牌. He conducts lectures and seminars for a wide range of corporations, associations, and community groups. His writings have been published under the auspices of the esteemed European Science Foundation and in the Journal of Philosophy and Ethics in Ukraine. He also is a member of the Review Staff of the American Journal of Public Health. 在一个点, 埃利斯是个自治市镇议会议员在Yeadon中, 宾夕法尼亚, serving as Chair of the Public Safety Committee. 埃利斯保持一个繁忙的日程安排演讲在美国. 和国外, 在那里,他强调了健康差距和医德. In addition to offering individualized health regimens to hundreds of clients, 埃利斯说在教堂和社区中心,是一种流行和良好抢手大学客座讲师.
提出的意见 格伦·埃利斯, SR. 目前已经结束.