Horace Butler is a preeminent Scholar and Researcher in the the field of Biblical and Ancient Egyptian writings. While in college on a journalism scholarship, Sig.. Butler became deeply curious to know the origins of the biblical writings. That curiosity led him to the writings of Clement, Justinian and other Ancient historians. 21 years into his search, Butler received several books on African history including Ivan Van Sertima’s, “They Came Before Columbus.
“1996 proved to be the most pivotal year in my comprehension of the world histories, and especially the extraordinarily massive impact on world history by the Black mind,” Butler explained. “I had a deep comprehension of the biblical writings and I knew those writings to be of Black origin, and then the histories of the Moors, the Ancient Egyptians and the Precolumbian Black presence expanded my comprehension about what had really happened on this planet!
By the time I reached the so-called ‘Forbidden Histories’ left by Precolumbian American Black writers, I had acquired a kind of perception that could see through the amazingly deceptive racist strategies that had been used to bury the truth about the Black origins of written world history and especially of Western Civilization.”
Butler has said that he believes his discovery of Ancient Egypt’s presence in the Americas would not have been possible if he had not been so deeply immersed in the biblical narratives.
“The biblical narratives gave THE KEY that unlocked everything!” explained Butler. “Most people don’t seem to realize that the biblical narratives called Old Testament is Ancient Egypt’s own histories about what they did in the Americas. That still sends chills across me when I say that. The Old Testament, a completely Black history! Egypt’s history, in the Americas!”
Butler pointed out that the Old Testament begins with a man called both Adam and Amen; and the Old Testament ends with the fall of Ancient Egypt’s capital city that King David had taken.
“There is no dispute that the man named Amen founded, or ‘created,’ Ancient Egypt,” said Butler. “And there is no dispute that Jerusalem was Ancient Egypt’s city before it was taken by the Black shepherd king called King David. The biblical writings, called Revelation, reveal that Adam also had the name ‘Amen.’ There it was—the Old Testament was uncovered and it could now be seen for what it is–a history written by and about the Black civilization called Ancient Egypt. I was blown away.”
Domenica, Aprile 6, 2014, 3:00-6:00pm. KRST Unity Centro & QWP Media present Bestselling author Horace Butler “When Rocks Cry Out!” in a well-documented presentation on new discoveries linking the ancient worlds of the Americas and the lands of the Bible. Holiday Inn, Long Beach Airport, Sunset Ballroom. 2640 N. Lakewood Blvd., Long Beach. (405fwy/Lakewood Blvd) Biglietti: $25. Students/$15. Free Parking. Chiamata 323-759-7567 o www.whenrockscryout.com. Private reception with Butler follows ($20). hors d’oeuvres. Kora music by Ibrahim Arsalan
Lunedi, Aprile 7, 2014, 6:30pm. -8:30pm KRST Unity Centro & QWP Media present: “When Rocks Cry Out!” by the Bestselling author Horace Butler. Butler gives a well-documented presentation on new discoveries of Egypt’s civilization in the Americas. A KRST Unity Centro, 7825 S. Western Ave., Los Angeles, CA. Biglietti $15. 323-759-7567.
Aprile 3, 2014 a 8:48 Allo
Sad that we could not get deeper into Mr. Butler’s info on the broadcasts. His work is changing the world and as a representative of the International Human Rights Commission, I am seeing first had how there has been massive movements launched to combat the reawakening of the ancient Egyptions/Greeks/Hebrews/Maya. If only you had asked the right questions, perhaps your audience would have received the keys that would have allowed all “African Americans” to attend college for free. It is all encoded in his work, I have personally confirmed this, as well as National Geographic’s capitulation toward Mr. Butler. I would recommend further exploration as Horace Butler is far different from any guest this show has ever had. I have been listening faithfully for years and am a fan, so do not misunderstand this message. Truth is truth. Get some of it out for once.
Aprile 3, 2014 a 1:03 pm
Mr Patterson you are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT.There was so much more that Mr Butler could have revealed that would show that the old testament in FACT IS a historical document versus a religious book. the black abraham memphis and jerusalem here in the americas and so much more. i actually almost got to work late to listen and i was not pleased. my thirst for knowledge was not served due to some misunderstanding from the host part. i will tune in again as this was my first time hearing the show. PLEASE bring Mr Butler back and this time sit back and enjoy the gems this brother has. Peace to all.
Aprile 4, 2014 a 8:29 pm
Greetings Ms. DiPrima, Thank you for having the author, Horace Butler, on your program yesterday. While I do not doubt your sincerity, I do think that you did yourself, your listeners, e il signor. Butler a disservice during the interview by saying that the Bible is a religious text but not a historical one AND by insulating that Mr. Butler was not a credible historian or that he is not an archeologist. Since you say you studied the general subject matter while in college and while the observing your parents, perhaps it is just that you were too preoccupied with other hosting duties to be clear that all of the historical records that the ancient Egyptiana/Kemtians and Sumerians left are intertwined with religion. That is to say, their record of events is intertwined with mythology that explains principles of their belief systems (what would have been their science of the time) and deifies important persons. This is well-known. Ulteriore, even today, European records are dated as B.C. and A.D. in reference to a religious figure, the biblical Christ. When you delve further, you might find that ancient Europeans regarded the Bible as a historical text and used it to navigate to the Americas and exploit the land and people here. Whether Mr. Butler is a credible historian or an archeologist should be determined by the quality of his work in those fields. Ovvero, does the work he has done match the first hand accounts and artifacts? It should not be determined by whether he is part of some now accepted group. Great scholars reveal new information. Neither Richard Leaky nor Ashra Kwesi nor Runoko Rashidi have earned diplomas in their fields of recognized expertise. When you stridently and repeatedly interrupted him with your dispute, you did not give yourself and many listeners a chance to evaluate whether Mr. Butler was bringing that new information that could change our understanding of world history. Perhaps a second swing is in order if you can persuade Mr. Butler to do it. If you cannot persuade him, I hope you can avoid this misstep in the future. No one is perfect. We can only try to get better.