How Progressives Win: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

张贴在 精选, 标题, 新闻


I’m tired of hearing the “Democrats don’t stand for anything.” refrain. As The Nation notes, Ocasio’s campaign boldly called for “a federal jobs guarantee, a national $15 minimum wage, expanded Medicare for All, tuition-free public college and trade school, 100 percent renewable energy by 2035, immigration reform, and the abolition of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).” Her YouTube web page adds “We can do it now, and we can do it without corporate money.” She just won her primary campaign, defeating a corporate Democrat entrenched in the position for 20 years who raised over $3 万 (只能 $26,496 of it from small individual donations) for his campaign compared to Ocasio’s $300,000 ($208,000 from donations of $200 以下).

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