"Ek dink dis 'n cap-geweer,,en,'Het die polisiebeampte gesê,,en,Hy het oomblikke later op 'n agtste-grader geopen,,en,’ the police officer said. He opened fire on an eighth-grader moments later.

Posted in Featured, Nieuws, Nuus


Lorenzo Clerkley Jr., an eighth-grader from Oklahoma, did not know he had been shot until he started urinating on himself. He was laughing, het hy gesê, having just come to. But his legs began to shake when he tried to walk. He looked down and saw a bullet hole in his pants.

Another police officer — not the one who shot him — was waiting for him in front of the abandoned house where he had been playing with five other friends, het hy gesê. The teenagers had been playing with replica guns, hulle sê, and someone had called the police to report a break-in with potentially armed suspects. Nou, Lorenzo had been shot twice.

Webwerf: Die Washington Post

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Antwoorde "Ek dink dis 'n cap-geweer,,en,'Het die polisiebeampte gesê,,en,Hy het oomblikke later op 'n agtste-grader geopen,,en,’ the police officer said. He opened fire on an eighth-grader moments later. is nou gesluit.