En el espíritu de Ronald E. McNair – Astronauta

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En Espíritu de Ronald E. McNair – El astronauta es una historia intensamente conmovedora sobre uno de los primeros astronautas del transbordador espacial afroamericanas del mundo. Nacido y criado en un pequeño pueblo de Carolina del Sur, he did not let his humble beginnings or the color of his skin stand between him and his goal of becoming an astronaut.

After graduating Magna Cum Laude from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, McNair went on to earn a Ph.D. in laser physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (CON). En 1978, he was one of 35 astronaut candidates selected from a pool of 11,000 applicants to become a member of NASA’s elite space shuttle program. En febrero de 1984, he first orbited the Earth aboard the space shuttle, Desafiador. En 1986, Dr.. McNair perished along with six fellow crewmembers aboard the ill-fated shuttle, Desafiador.

Ron McNair is an American hero whose story serves as a model for people from all walks of life. His story is one that must be passed on from generation to generation.

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