法官凯文·罗斯 & Rene Cole

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Judge Ross

Kevins Andrew Ross is an American host of the syndicated court show America’s Court with Judge Ross, 生产者, 通信策略, and former judge on the Los Angeles Superior Court in California.

注册Facebook!: Facebook/judgeross

Instagram的: iambossross


Rene Cole is the founder of the Dreamland Early Learning Academy. Her students have matriculated to most of the nation’s HBCU’s.

注册Facebook!: Dreamland Early Learning Academy


2 评论

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  1. I want to inquire about the scholarships for African American Males. I was told you had information on your show regarding the lack of students applying for scholarships.
    我有一个 18 year old high achieving son in need scholarships and I would like to know where he can apply for these scholarships mentioned on your program.
    He will start schooling January 2018.
    I look forward to hearing from you soon.
    诚挚, Donna Dennis

  2. How and where do I sign up to attend the meeting on Sunday @ Cal state north ridge college