Reiki Energy Healing is an ancient form of therapy practiced in cultures all over the world. Reiki healing simply involves sending energy to the energy centers of the body known as Chakras. Each chakras is correlated with different parts of the body, starting at the base of your spine traveling up to the crown of your head. As a Reiki Practitioner, my job is to channel reiki through hand positioning to help aligns energy in the body and restoring balance. I am a Reiki Practitioner and a Master Level Social Worker, so I know both conventional and alternative methods of healing. With over 13 years in the social services profession, I found healing touch and energy exchange to be the best methods of healing. My mission is to help others learn the benefits and compliments of alternative methods of healing. Through private and group sessions, I have helped clients relieve symptoms of stress, ansia, depressione, and pain. Through training and presentations, I help law enforcement, county agencies, and private corporations understand they struggle with mental and emotional health challenges.
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