
张贴在 精选, 展会须知


LeGrand Cregg罗格朗H. 克莱格二, ESQ. 退休城市律师康普顿, 现在私人执业已经在非洲和美洲的历史和文化等领域的著名权威远远超过 35 年. 他的视频制作,均有权 “当男性黑人统治世界”. 由克莱格视频的方式, 录音带, 学习指南和网站, 罗格朗是能够揭示历史,因为它是第一个告诉. 因为它是流传下来的一代又一代的古努比亚, 埃及人, 希伯来书, 希腊人和罗马人.


1.“第一批美国人是非洲人” 由大卫印和阗

2. “他们就在哥伦布” 伊万范Sertima

3. “的奥尔梅克人” 由大卫·哈彻尔德里斯

4. “黎明旅, 美国的非洲的发现“ 由迈克尔·布拉德利

5. “非洲众神的庙宇” 由Tellinger和海涅

6. “黑GENESIS” 由罗伯特·Baural和托马斯布罗菲

7. “埃及的黄金时代期间: 当黑人男士统治世界“ 通过罗格朗克莱格二

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  1. I really enjoyed the show today. It was very informative and I am looking forward to viewing his work and studying the work of the recommended authors. 谢谢.

  2. I enjoy the avenues of enriched learning, This morning show with Atty. LeGrand Clegg was just as invigorating as a good morning cup of coffee to wake up to. I’m really looking forward to exploring an in-depth approach of the list of literature Clegg has shared on The Front Page.