New York man wrongfully convicted of murder is finally free

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It took 24 anni, but Sundhe Moses is finally free. Moses was just 19 years old when he was forced into confessing to a crime that he never committed. Al tempo, the teenager said Louis Scarcella, a New York police detective who has had more than a dozen cases connected to him that were later overturned, beat him until he confessed to the Brooklyn drive-by shooting that claimed the life of a young girl in August 1995.

Moses, who was in community college at the time and the father of an 8-month-old boy, was convicted and sentenced to 15 years to life in prison, secondo ABC News Although Moses was exonerated for the murder of four-year-old Shamone Johnson l'anno scorso, he still had a felony on his record due to an additional sentence of promoting prison contrabandLEGGI TUTTO

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