I tassi di obesità tra i bambini in età prescolare diminuiscono a basso reddito dopo essere salito per decenni

Posted in Prima pagina, News

Dopo decenni di crescente, obesity rates among low-income U.S. bambini in età prescolare sono diminuite sostanzialmente dal 2008 a 2011, according to a federal report released Tuesday that offered the first glimpse of good news for children considered among the most vulnerable to the disease’s health risks.

Mentre altri, smaller studies have cited drops among school-age children, the data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention represent by far the largest and most comprehensive report of declining obesity rates in poor children, I funzionari hanno detto.

Fonte: http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/obesity-rates-decline-among-low-income-pre-schoolers-after-rising-for-decades/2013/08/06/ad4e1b80-fea8-11e2-bd97-676ec24f1f3f_story.html

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