波多黎各电力公司奖,,en,万美元的合同,以微小的特朗普连接公司,,en,参议院共和党议员投票消除的法规,让消费者起诉金融机构,,en $300 million contract to tiny Trump-connected company

张贴在 精选, 标题, 新闻


Ties to the Trump administration and lack of experience are drawing attention to Puerto Rico’s decision to award a $300-million contract to a tiny Montana company to reconstruct a large portion of the island’s electrical infrastructure.

Whitefish Energy Holdings reached an agreement with Puerto Rico’s government-owned electric utility on September 26 — five days after Hurricane Maria left the island in the dark — to help restore power to the island’s 3.4 万居民. 阅读更多…



提出的意见 波多黎各电力公司奖,,en,万美元的合同,以微小的特朗普连接公司,,en,参议院共和党议员投票消除的法规,让消费者起诉金融机构,,en $300 million contract to tiny Trump-connected company 目前已经结束.