博士. 戴维·C,,en,特纳三世,,en,大卫·特纳,,en,是来自英格伍德的激进学者,,en,他的教育程度,,en,博学的,,en,激进主义者的兴趣与黑人政治相交,,en,社会运动,,en,批判意识,,en,种族构成,,en,政治经济学,,en,和性别认同,,en,大卫的主要兴趣是社会转型,,en,并与历史上处于边缘地位的社区合作,,en,他目前的研究项目专注于21世纪的黑人青年和学生组织,,en,当前的一个项目侧重于参与社会运动激进主义的黑人大学生的意义形成过程,,en,他的另一个项目是在过去一个学期中对学生行动主义的激进民族志研究,,en,专注于临界点之间的张力点,,en,变革性变革与自由多元文化主义,,en,@ Dr_Kunta23,,ms,www.DavidCTurner.com,,en,埃罗尔·韦伯,,en,艾萨克·布莱恩(Isaac Bryan),,en. Turner III is an activist scholar from Inglewood, 美国加州. David received his doctorate in the Social and Cultural Studies in Education program at UC Berkeley, where his research focuses on youth-based social movements, political identity, and resistance to the prison regime.
David has published in Abolition: a Journal of Insurgent Politics, 该 Journal of Critical Studies in Higher Education and Student Affairs, a book chapter about youth organizing in Routledge, 该 American Educational Research Journal, 和 Berkeley Review of Education.
As a seasoned student organizer and educator, David brings over a decade of experience to the classroom and community organizing, having helped students at various universities establish cultural centers, negotiate and win demands for racial justice, secure funding, divest resources from punitive and harmful institutions, and coordinate direct actions across the state of California and the nation, all while teaching at both the K-12 and the postsecondary level.
David currently works with Boys and Men of color in Los Angeles County as the Manager of the Brothers, 儿子, Selves Coalition, a coalition of community-based organizations working to end the school-to-prison pipeline and decriminalize communities of color.
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