Remember LA’s Civil Unrest (4/29/1992)

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OG Panel 4.29

Pastor K.W. Tullos (左) is the Senior Pastor of the historical Weller Street Missionary Baptist Church located in the Downtown, Boyle Heights region of Los Angeles and he is the Los Angeles President and Western Regional Director of Rev. Al Sharpton’s local Civil Rights group National Action Network. Pastor Tulloss has been at the forefront of many of this nation’s most talked about demonstrations. He’s a 21st-century drum major for social justice and is a nationally respected Pastor and Activist. He’s known for his skill in organizing and mobilizing communities for effective change and accountability. He’s helped organize many demonstrations and community town halls addressing issues such as Education, 暴力, Public Policy, 宣传, and community concerns. Pastor Tulloss also assisted in bringing national attention to the controversial issues in the community.

en Owens (Middle), also known as Taco, is a product of change and reformation of character. As a former gang member turned activist, his involvement with the African American gang culture for over forty-one years has forged relationships with rival gang members and often the victims of gang and gun violence. He is currently is a supervisor with the Soledad Enrichment Action (SEA) and is contracted with the City of Los Angeles’ GRYD (Gang Reduction Youth Development) 节目. He is also a consultant for many documentaries that illustrate gang and gun violence in the South Los Angeles region.

添 (Timothy Kornegay) (右边) is a lifelong resident of South Central Los Angeles and currently works as the Justice Transformation organizer at LA. Voice. 的. Voice is a social justice organization that addresses the needs of the community in Los Angeles County. Since gaining his freedom after 22 years of incarceration in August 2015. Tim joined LA. Voice in February 2016 and has lead and or participated in some of the most successful legislative measures to impact the city and county of Los Angeles in decades. Leading two different teams of formerly incarcerated individuals in civic engagement and voter education campaigns. One team in 2016 that made substantial contributions to the passing of historic legislation Prop 55, 56 and Prop 57, Prop HHH and Prop JJJ. The second team in 2017 helped to pass Measure H that resulted in billions of additional funding for housing programs and support services that aid those communities of highest need. 在 2018 Tim continued doing amazing work with a system impacted team that helped, as part of a coalition effort, turn the Republican seat in CD25 resulting in the election of its 1st Democrat, Congresswoman Katie Hill.

SKIPP汤森, 干预专家, 2ND致电. 2nd Call is a community-based organization designed to assist in the personal development of individuals, 谁处于危险之中的青年, 前罪犯, 假释和其他人谁不顾社会. 2ND致电相信,通过扩大个人生活的范围和工作与教育的协调战略, 雇用, 住房, 健康险, 和药物滥用辅导, 2次呼叫将拯救生命而现在似乎失去.


1 如何

目前有 1 如何 关于 Remember LA’s Civil Unrest (4/29/1992). 也许你想 新增 一你自己?

  1. I worked that night, the first anniversary of my father’s death, as an armed security guard. From what I saw and later realized was that despite how bad that riot was, cooler heads and the Grace of God kept it from turning into one huge bloodbath. 第一, the authorities issued no shoot to kill orders against looters, like it was done in past American riots. 第二, police forces, including the LAPD, maintain their discipline. It would have been easy for them to say, “To hell with it!”, worked themselves up into a hate filled, fanatical frenzy and, backed by heavily armed reenforcements, charged back into the riot zone, into South L.A. and behaved like the SS, not peace officers, shooting and killing ANYONE not wearing a badge! When the Army National Guard and Federal troops arrived, they didn’t come in blasting away at people and buildings in the same ruthless manner as Soviet Russian tanks and forces did during the Hungarian revolution in 1956. 第三, extremist groups didn’t take advantage of the “内乱” and go on a killing spree themselves.
    Black people, most of them, never realized how they could have been, like the 38,000 Hungarians, most of them civilians, could have been slaughtered without mercy by law enforcement and military forces.