Saharah阿里: 3rd Eye Thursday Affirmation

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Saharah阿里 – New Moon
3rd Eye Thursday Affirmation


I accept it’s a brand new day! 我允许自己是致力于知道我自己的真相. 我释放过去知道今天是充满了无限的可能性. I trust the spirit of God and the truth within to birth new wisdom and clear direction for my life. 在这里,现在我呼吸的力量和意识. I recognize and celebrate my unique qualities to manifest positive conditions to support my greatness with love and ease.

Light and Blessings


2 评论

目前有 2 评论 关于 Saharah阿里: 3rd Eye Thursday Affirmation. 也许你想 新增 一你自己?

  1. It was a great message this morning. I’m a longtime listener. One love enjoy your day

  2. The other evening during the tammy mac show a very powerful poem was read by a lady and I was wondering the name of the piece and the artist