Thabiti has been an herbalist and Certified Iridologist for the past 20 anni. Thabiti Umoja was born in Morgan City Louisiana and raised in the Los Angeles and San Diego areas. In 1989 Thabiti began to mix herbal formulas and helped many friends and family members with different health challenges. He created C & S formula 1 shortly afterward. During this same period, he entered the private sector with his older brother performing insurance adjusting and photo and diagrams for various insurance companies throughout Los Angeles, San Diego, and Orange County.
Telefono: 323-989-1178
Natural Approaches to “Il 10 Common Health Concerns”
Sab.. July 27th – Il Afiba Centro
5730 Crenshaw Blvd.
Black Health Collective Present:
Dr. Nathan Rabb & Union costante
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