Trey Haley, Nnegest Lkke and Ayuko Babu

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Trey Haley and Nnegest Lkke

Trey Haley is President and Partner of Tri Destined Studios, he is responsible for overseeing the implementation all of Tri Destined Studios productions and events, including their in-house production service division Tri Destined VIP. Mnr. Haley’s responsibilities also include creating diverse venture partnerships.

Nnegest Likke, the writer and director of the movie Phat Girlz, talks with Ed Gordon about the film’s bittersweet box office numbers — it cost $3 million to produce, and it’s earned close to $6.5 miljoen

Ayuku. Babu is an international legal, kulturele en politieke konsultant wat spesialiseer in Afrika-sake. In bykomend tot die Pan-Afrikaanse Film Festival, Mnr. Babu dien tans as 'n direkteur van die Raad van die Palais de la Culture in Abidjan, Ivoorkus. Merkbaar, hy as 'n konsultant vir Bishop H.H gewerk het. Brookins, van die Afrika Metodiste Episkopaalse Kerk en mnr. Dick Griffey, President van die African Development Public Investment Corporation en sonkrag Records.


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