Visualize Victory… Let’s Focus on What We Want NOT What We Don’t Want …

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dominique DiPrima

At times lately I feel like I’m trapped in a stampeding crowd in Walmart on Black Friday. Perfectly reasonable, informed and well-meaning people are experiencing mass panic over our presidential election. Friends and colleagues are spouting doom and gloom. They might as well be carrying signs that say “The End is Near.” The press doesn’t help with the constant horse race polls and endless stories about Mitt’s supposed momentum and the President’s (unproven) demise. Even the campaign emails I get these days sound panicked. I love you my friends, but I don’t want to hear that crap! In the words of Ann Romney – “just stop it!”

I get that a President Willard Romney could well be the end of the world, or at least democracy as we know it, given the fact that he’ll get to appoint at least two supreme court justices, gut the Affordable Healthcare Act, and he’ll set women back several centuries. I get that a Vice President Ryan would make a Vice President Palin look like a mild-mannered-moderate. Believe me, I understand the advance anger (complete with election 2000 flashbacks) caused by Republican voter suppression and voter fraud schemes! And I truly get that the shrill tenor of old time racial division right now is enough to give any thinking person the kind of heartache that even chocolate won’t cure.

But now is not the time to buy into the mass hypnosis of defeat.

Snap out of it family! We need to think about what we want, not what we don’t want! We need to visualize victory. Let’s have a mass imagination of celebration! Yes we can! But only if we believe we can. Stop naysaying and start praying. Stop bawling and start phone calling! Stop denigrating and start donating (forgive me if I sound like Rev. Jesse Jackson, but this is serious!) False Expectations Appearing Real are not the truth!!

Forward! That is the campaign slogan of our President. And that is the only way we can afford to go. How do you go forward? One foot in front of the other. One step, one dollar, one phone call at a time. You don’t stop when it gets hard! You don’t quit when the other guy runs a tough race, or even if he cheats. So what if he has $45 million more than we do this month. If a million of us give 46 bucks – problem solved! You give your best effort. If you do everything YOU possibly can there can be no regrets.

All hands on deck! Get off your butt! And anyone you have influence over, get them off their butt too!! Heck yeah, this is serious. And it’s gonna feel great when we win!! You’ll be able to personally take credit for saving the world!!! It’s 2012 and here we are at the crossroads, with the power to choose between a fear-based or love-based society…Just like the Mayans predicted. In my story LOVE WINS. What story are you writing?

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There are currently 8 Comments on Visualize Victory… Let’s Focus on What We Want NOT What We Don’t Want …. Perhaps you would like to add one of your own?

  1. You can’t make it much clearer than, Dominique. We just have to say it over and over again. If folk ain’t inspired by this, we need to check some pulses, we really do have some weak soldiers.! I hope not.. I choose to believe this is the time to encourage, inspire and motivate not give in!..I’m going to Norwalk to “Early Vote” today, and I have room to take somebody with me! Obama/Biden 2012

    • Thank you for your energy and support!!! We need to mobilize the troops and even the haters! One Love dd

      • Dominique, I’m recipricating what you give the Front Page family every weekday morning, on this and many other important issues….I voted, keep my Facebook audience informed, I’m wearing my tee shirt; talking it up and speaking with you in the morning when I can and am prompted to do so. I remind myself, that those of us who have had President Obama’s back from day one and never waivered are on the front line. I almost forgot people are wishy washy in other areas, too and it just comes out in this election season. Folks, VOTE in your own best interest then, discuss legitmate concerns after Obama/Biden 2012 happens! We’re in a countdown to Victory; that’s what I’m Visualizing~just like you!

  2. Romney is a Vietnam draft dodger phony, who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He now comes before us with carefully dyed hair, asking for our vote. This man is a coward, who actually supported the Vietnam War. … BTW, The Front Page silence over the Jamiel Shaw murder case is deafening. Thanks to the reticence of the usually outspoken host Dominique Diprima, little mention is made of the illegal immigrant Pedro Espinoza, who murdered L.A. High football star Jamiel Shaw. Ms. Diprima truly exhibits a very selective indignation!

    • Carlos, Most of us share your perspective about Mitt Romney; not much research is necessary before it becomes clear he would be a disaster as President. We’re showing up at the polls massively and getting the vote out to keep Mitt away from the White House. BTW: Is there an update with regard to Jamiel Shaw that you can share? Most us remember that unfortunate case.There are a lot of injustices out there and I’m sure our Front Page Queen would welcome an update. We were all outraged about what transpired.This is not a 24/7 news station, but, I’m sure you agree with me, Dominique is superb in what she does. Obama/Biden 2012 Victory is the focus over these next few days.

      • Preach Daryl.
        Carlos, although it does appear that DD has an “S” on her chest, how much do you expect her to cram into an hour and a half show in an election year? Mr. Shaw is gone but NOT forgotten, just like Kendrec McDade and Mitrice Richardson. We ALL first had to work hard to get the President back into office so that the judicial system did not suffer a serious gut shot.

  3. Obama is nothing more than a tool, used to usher in a new era of doom and gloom for the world. I do not trust him nor do I share Miss DiPrima’s fondness for him. Noone wants to hear the truth. We want to dismiss the truth as conspiracy theory and conjecture but the truth is slapping us all in the face and it’s BEGGING US to wake up and see it. Begging us to take heed to it. Knowledge is power and so we need to truly educate ourselves and start training ourselves for the bitter days to come because trust me, THEY ARE INDEED COMING!!

    This hour is later than we think

  4. “Sleep at the wheel”, i cant get on the show in the morning to just say a few things about a great man ” most americans dont even know when it comes to unemployment per larry elders!,,,, Ronald Raygun, had the worst unemployment in the history of all presidents even now, in jan 1982 the rate was 8.6 and went to 10.8 by december and in jan 1983 10.4 until june 10.1 only when down to 8.3 end of year his turn around was in his second turm. highly critical of the administration’s response, that Obama is weak on terrorism, the same Obama who, on day one, reignited the hunt for Bin Laden and killed the perpetrator of 9/11 in just over two years. The same Obama who, much to the angst of progressives, has a so-called “kill list” — a list of suspected terrorists, and Obama himself decides which terrorists will or will not be targeted. He authorized the drone strike that took out American-born al-Qaeda recruiter Anwar al-Awlaki. He ordered the Afghanistan surge; he’s literally invading Pakistan to take out numerous terrorist targets across the border; he’s engaged in anti-terror covert operations in Yemen and Somalia and, under his leadership, 20 or more of the top 30 al-Qaeda leaders have been killed, but when the media claims he did nothing when the diplomat was killed, nobody complained to bush when 6 US Consulates, 5 US embassy’s,
    March 2, 2006,
    U.S. consulate in Karachi, Pakistan Suicide car bomber killed four, including a U.S. diplomats directly targeted by the assailants.
    NOBODY I REPEAT, NOBODY QUESTIONED, the bush administration, “WAKE UP” President Obama “HATER’S” the problem i see with my president is he is trying very hard to work with all the good, bad and ugly, i would bi-pass all those goofies and just pass things for the people on a executive order and forget asking the “HATERS” and do for the people, and when he finally proove to the “HATERS” what a great President he is, watch all the Republicans jump on his successs as though they “HELPED’.