
张贴在 标题, 我见

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罗姆尼, 博纳等人不能两者兼得!


多数专家在左边和右边都认为奥巴马总统犯了一个严重的失态时 – 顺便 – 他说, “私营部门做得很好。” 右翼政治家和战略家们有一个重要的日子,尽全力使油漆总统的脱节或无法掌握资本主义经济的运作. 我们是在什么将是一个非常艰难的征战新赛季的热量,我敢肯定,总统希望他也不用说了吧, 如由他澄清,此后不久,经济不 “做精。” 我也希望他不要说了吧, 但只是因为它可能会伤害他的竞选连任. 不是因为它是不正确的! 因为, 事实是, 当你看,总统实际上说了什么, 不只是同期声, 总统是正确的.

The Commander-in-Chief was making the point he made because our public sector jobs are under attack, shrinking and under the budget axe nationwide. And because states and cities across the country are facing major fiscal crisis that threaten their very survival. He was talking about his priorities in terms of keeping the Titanic afloat. If you’ve been paying attention, you may have noticed that the President has already done quite a bit to stabilize the private sector – 一 $787 billion dollar stimulus plan, bank bailouts, auto industry bailout, payroll tax holidays, a healthcare bill to name a few.

The investment in maintaining the public sector has been relatively modest. We know that some teachers, cops and firefighters kept their jobs thanks to the stimulus package. And states have benefitted from infrastructure projects and educational dollars from the feds. But no undertaking of the size and scope of the stimulus package has been aimed at public employees, state and local government.

罗姆尼 (as he stated in response to the President’s unfortunate choice of words) and Congressman Paul Ryan may consider local firefighters, cops and teachers to be “big government.” But most of us look at them as people, people who have jobs, jobs that provide essential services to our communities. Even Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker broke with Romney to say he didn’t consider teachers and firefighters to be big government. But when you look at the policies Walker is imposing in his state, or that Ryan proposes in his draconian budget, those exact professions could be pushed out of the middle class, or onto the unemployment roles in droves.

These so-called business savvy politicians want to have it both ways. Out of one side of their mouths that claim to be job-creators, while slashing public sector jobs and pensions and outsourcing entire industries out of the other.

Public sector jobs are jobs. For many people of color they are the very jobs that lifted our families out of poverty into the ranks of the middle class with the help of their powerful unions. And yet as the right wing millionaire politicians would tell it this is big government and needs to be cut. From the post office to the local librarian, what we are really talking about are workers – workers who do important jobs!

Mitt Romney is the perfect example of how the private sector is doing fine. He made 25 million dollars over the past two years, paying an average of 12% tax and benefitting handsomely from the Bush tax Cuts for the wealthy, corporate loopholes, and overseas tax havens. And yet he has the nerve to put out a video mocking the Presidents gaffe and saying the President is out of touch. Romney’s video seems to feature many of the same workers his policies would force into joblessness after he finished labeling them “big government.” All the while he is busy trying to get the ultimate government job for himself!

The head of a typical publicly traded company made $9.6 million dollars in 2011. That is up 6% from the previous year and is at the highest level since the Associated Press started tracking it in 2006. Profits at the Standard & Poors 500 stock index rose 16% 去年. Meanwhile schools are laying off teachers, and canceling summer school. Cities are cutting library hours and critical emergency services. In this context, indeed the private sector is doing fine. Fine is relative. And for those of us in critical condition, stable, right about now is looking “just fine.”


4 评论

目前有 4 评论 关于 为什么私营部门做得很好:. 也许你想 新增 一你自己?

  1. IMO..

    The president’s no. 1 priotity WAS NOT to bail out the banks, the auto industry (即. the private sector).. By it’s very nature the political left is suppose to be on the side of the public.. The job of the presidencey is by no means a cut in dry situation.. There are a tremendous amount of moving parts especially in 2012. However.. For the last 8yrs before Obama took office there were extreme acts taken by then president Bush to set the public sector back big time.. Not only in city and state policy but in world policy and policies concerning the very constitution..

    It is clear to me and should be clear to all Black americans that the world is shifting into a more draconian (即. have vs. have not) 情况. While we’re debating and arguing over the economy the hardcore wording of the constitution is being erased and rewritten. Small victories mean nothing when the the political left is opperating in the same manner as the right (即. taking big money from the lobbyists to finance election/reelection bids)..

    除非非常的文化中,政治的方式运行不大修和改造公共部门, 左, 民主派, 美国/我们会继续骗,遭受. 政治的现状favers大钱,谁正好有一个大的钱????

    是这样的权力。. 这是谁。.

    • Locthiese不幸的是,你是对的多点,除非总统并没有将保释出来的汽车工业事情已经差了很多, 比它们是什么. 该trufth是他的力量到那个位置,因为很多人会失去他们的退休包 (401Ķ) 和更多的就业机会都将是损失. In the 80’s lots of people loss their jobs after Bush’s father was the President, 记住所有的银行和公司兼并. 公司. 埋伏的人了数千,要么削减医疗保健或消除一起. 然后,克林顿总统当选和工作去Partimers和临时工所以公司没有支付设置及效益. 这些公司的利润赚了几十亿. 蒂姆杂志有说出来美国的临时工,数百万的就业机会去海外的问题,进行的跨边界. 克林顿还试图通过医疗保健法案,但被打倒共和党控制的国会谁更关心克林顿的额外Maritial事务. 这也是当他们开始利用媒体来左右公众意见. 读你写的让我想起了一本书一个学生帮我打通College.had做ESAY对我. 功率由安德鲁巴塞维奇限制. writen在 2009. If you get chance you might check it out, then look at what going on today and what you wrote. .

  2. No we are not doing fine, but we will be worst off with Romney. People better listen to what the oposition is for, and we need to speak LOUDLY about what they are about.

  3. Sho nuff Bro./Sis. 罗恩。. Sho nuf